On May 16th, Affirming YOUth Foundation, Inc, participated with Fathers In Action, an event designed to increase father involvement in schools throughout Miami-Dade County by giving fathers more opportunities to influence children’s learning by being present in their schools to read, tell stories, share activities and interests. Children’s perception of fathers, male role models, and men are positively affected when they see men take the time to come to their schools and actively engage with them. Fathers in Education Day was meant to reinforce summer reading, summer connections between fathers and their children.
Affirming YOUth conducted a parenting workshop about setting rules, parenting skills, and the importance of reading to your children. Children perception of fathers, male role models, and men are positively affected when they see men taking the time to come to their schools and actively engage with them.
The fathers ate breakfast with their child and read books to them to reinforce summer reading, summer connections between fathers and their children. Affirming YOUth Foundation, Inc., raffled six brand new bikes with safety helmets and locks.