Together For Children Liberty City-Brownsville, Empowering Youth Committee hosted a Youth Conference Designed to develop Youths’ Skills and increase their emotional Well-being.

Affirming Youth, in partnership with the Together for Children, Liberty City-Brownsville, Empowering Youth Committee, conducted surveys to analyze the perceptions of community youth in four zip codes (33127, 33142, 33147, and 33150). Respondents to the survey ranged in age from 15 to 24 years old.

An analysis of the data resulted in six themes; (a) Perception of achievements, (b) Perception of a better society, (c) Main challenges and weaknesses, (d) Attitude towards challenges, (e) Advancing the desired change, and (f) Media options to spread information for change. This analysis led to the creation of a Youth Conference that focused on SMART Goals and Vision Boards. The results will be discussed in-depth at the August 3rd community collaborative meeting. 

SMART goals are goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely (Mind Tools, 2016). Setting goals that are SMART allowed each youth to set appropriate time-constrained goals that can be routinely monitored. Collaborating with youth on developing SMART goals was found to improve youth health outcomes. It is reasonable to assume that providing community youth with the skills to set appropriate goals will assist them in their financial development at the individual level and their ability to be effective community contributors at the community level.

Vision board presentations are designed to embody an individual’s personal, professional, academic, and other goals (Benedict, 2021). The youth created vision boards to describe their various life goals and to represent goals and ideals that are important to them. Providing youth with the opportunity to create vision boards aided them in the envisioning and development of their SMART goals

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